Primary - Mitigating climate change - by exploiting renewable energy:2011 - Staffordshire Woodfuel - pioneering green firm launched

Staffordshire Wood Fuel, a trading arm of Staffordshire Council is a pioneering new company which will cut costs and carbon emissions in Staffordshire by supplying public and private sectors with woodchip sourced as a by product from its countryside management operations. Staffordshire Wood Fuel, which is a trading arm of Staffordshire County Council, will supply high quality, stable and sustainable renewable energy.

The business will provide the public and private sectors with woodchip sourced as a by-product from the county council’s own countryside management operations, and private sustainably managed woodlands in Staffordshire. That’s double value for the tax payer – properly managed wildlife rich landscapes, and a major boost to Staffordshire’s low-carbon economy.

It’s guaranteed quality – that’s why the operation will be supplying the county council’s flagship Tipping Street development where it will provide heating and hot water for 1,500 people. The offices will save taxpayers around £250,000 per annum for 40 years.

Staffordshire Wood Fuel’s arrival will help the biomass fuel market in the Midlands to expand, generating more green jobs and a sustainable economy going forward.

The company will also offer impartial advice on biomass system design, fuel specification and fuel handling.

The technology will be of particular interest to big energy users – companies, leisure centres, schools and commercial developments – offering them the chance to invest to save.
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